Sundays from 11:15-1, Oct. 6-Jan. 5
Thank you for your interest in our Adult OWL class! This particular workshop is geared for individuals over 50 years of age and will take place in the RE wing Sunday mornings from 11:15-1, October 6 through January 5.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) is a comprehensive lifespan sexuality education program that helps participants explore sexuality through their values and experiences. UUCM has offered OWL for the K-12 RE programs for many years and is excited to now offer OWL for adults, starting with adults ages 50 and up. OWL for adults strives to enhance communication skills as participants increase their understanding of healthy relationships, sexual and gender diversity, and sexuality throughout the lifecycle. It's the sexuality education opportunity many people didn't have growing up.
Workshop Titles:
Sexuality and Values
Attitudes about Aging
Examining Sexual Scripts
The Sexual Body
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Sexual Consent and Boundaries
Family Matters
Sexuality and Loss
Reframing Sexuality, Disability, and Chronic Illness
Body Image
Dating as an Older Adult
Safer Sex
Sex Play beyond Basics
For questions, please reach out to the facilitators of this class: Sarah Grosshuesch, Jordan Zais or Laurie Moser.